sorry ca este scris cam mult dar nu am putut sa fac atatea printuri ....
Server # 53
Vag (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Alexandra connected
Couldn't open file overviews/de_kurz.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
Couldn't open file overviews/de_kurz.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
* Privileges set
cam atat .. .
* Privileges set
*** Iree killed bkm with a headshot from deagle ***
Alexandra is joining the Terrorist force
Iree killed BuTuC with deagle
Time Remaining: 13:47
`FynaL*3xTasY` killed Iree with m4a1
Type 'amx_langmenu' in the console to display a menu where you can choose your language
* Jucatorii cu ping mai mare de 100 vor primi kick !
Time Remaining: 13:39
*** Iree killed `FynaL*3xTasY` with a headshot from deagle ***
Type 'amx_help' in the console to see available commands
mary killed McLaren with sg550
*** Alexandra killed mary with a headshot from ak47 ***
Time Left: 13:35 min. Next Map: de_dust2
*** Iree killed BuTuC with a headshot from m4a1 ***
001 killed so pRo ? tzepar with m4a1
Time Remaining: 13:33
Cereri de admin/slot pe forumul serverului*** I Am^[Legend]^ killed CiCi_BaLeRiNa_3CiCiTa with a headshot from deagle ***
|nikotyn| killed Iree with m4a1
McLaren (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
BuTuC : raporteaza la varutu owneru
*** Alexandra killed bkm with a headshot from ak47 ***
bkm dropped
bkm has left the game
ford connected
* Privileges set
* Privileges set
BuTuC has left the game
ford is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
ADMIN `FynaL*3xTasY`: kick BuTuC
001 killed DRACUL with m4a1
BuTuC connected
* Privileges set
* Privileges set
Alexandra killed 001 with ak47
*** I Am^[Legend]^ killed |nikotyn| with a headshot from deagle ***
BuTuC is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
Time Remaining: 12:31
Time Remaining: 12:30
Cereri de admin/slot pe forumul serverului [STEAM+NOSTEAM]
* Your rank is 9 of 6520 with 1771 kill(s), 6053 hit(s), 63.22% eff. and 24.93% acc.
*** Iree killed `FynaL*3xTasY` with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** Iree killed ford with a headshot from ak47 ***
Alexandra : /rank
BuTuC : cine a dat kick??
*** Alexandra killed 001 with a headshot from ak47 ***
McLaren (RADIO): Go go go!
mary killed DRACUL with sg550
McLaren (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
I Am^[Legend]^ killed mary with sg550
CiCi_BaLeRiNa_3CiCiTa killed I Am^[Legend]^ with m4a1
Iree (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** CiCi_BaLeRiNa_3CiCiTa killed Iree with a headshot from m4a1 ***
McLaren killed |nikotyn| with ak47
*** BuTuC killed McLaren with a headshot from m4a1 ***
so pRo ? tzepar killed CiCi_BaLeRiNa_3CiCiTa with ak47
Cereri de admin/slot pe forumul serverului killed so pRo ? tzepar with m4a1
BuTuC killed Alexandra with m4a1
Time Remaining: 11:10
Time Remaining: 11:09
I Am^[Legend]^ killed ford with awp
CiCi_BaLeRiNa_3CiCiTa killed I Am^[Legend]^ with sg550
Alexandra killed CiCi_BaLeRiNa_3CiCiTa with ak47
ford dropped
ford has left the game
McLaren (RADIO): Cover Me!
ford connected
* Privileges set
* Privileges set
McLaren (RADIO): Cover Me!
*** BuTuC killed so pRo ? tzepar with a headshot from m4a1 ***
ford is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
`FynaL*3xTasY` killed Iree with m4a1
Vizitati forumul serverului killed McLaren with usp
so pRo ? tzepar dropped
so pRo ? tzepar has left the game
McLaren (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** |nikotyn| killed Alexandra with a headshot from m4a1 ***
mary killed DRACUL with sg550
Cereri de admin/slot pe forumul serverului Remaining: 10:45
*DEAD* McLaren : /resetscore
CiCi_BaLeRiNa_3CiCiTa : /rank
*** CiCi_BaLeRiNa_3CiCiTa killed McLaren with a headshot from m4a1 ***
|nikotyn| : :Xalexa
001 killed Iree with m4a1
*** I Am^[Legend]^ killed 001 with a headshot from mp5navy ***
*** `FynaL*3xTasY` killed Alexandra with a headshot from m4a1 ***
BuTuC killed DRACUL with m4a1
Iree dropped
Iree has left the game
Alexandra :
McLaren (RADIO): Go go go!
McLaren (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
`FynaL*3xTasY` killed I Am^[Legend]^ with m4a1
Time Remaining: 10:21
ford is joining the Terrorist force (auto)
Time Remaining: 10:16
Cereri de admin/slot pe forumul serverului Remaining: 10:14
Time Remaining: 10:09
mary killed McLaren with sg550
Time Remaining: 10:04
Time Left: 9:58
McLaren : timeleft
*** 001 killed I Am^[Legend]^ with a headshot from m4a1 ***
DRACUL (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
CiCi_BaLeRiNa_3CiCiTa : dap
becali dropped
huk.Distractie-Maxima.Ro [STEAM+NOSTEAM]
ford killed BuTuC with awp
|nikotyn| killed ford with m4a1
DRACUL killed CiCi_BaLeRiNa_3CiCiTa with ak47
Alexandra killed 001 with ak47
|nikotyn| killed Alexandra with m4a1
becali connected
* Privileges set
* Privileges set
becali is joining the Terrorist force
Time Remaining: 9:13
Cereri de admin/slot pe forumul serverului Remaining: 9:10
Time Remaining: 9:09
Time Remaining: 9:02
Time Remaining: 9:00
*DEAD*BuTuC : cum sa fiu ma afk
Time Remaining: 8:58
Time Remaining: 8:57
Time Remaining: 8:56
`FynaL*3xTasY` died
*DEAD* McLaren : /resetscore
] amx_who
========== [SITE] ==========
-----[1] OWNER-----
-----[2] Co-Owner-----
-----[3] Maresal-----
-----[4] General-----
-----[5] Colonel-----
-----[6] Maior-----
-----[7] Sergent-----
-----[8] Vip-----
-----[9] Soldat-----
========== [FORUM] ==========
|nikotyn| killed DRACUL with m4a1
[AMXX] ADMIN BuTuC made a rocket out of `FynaL*3xTasY`
BuTuC has left the game
Cereri de admin/slot pe forumul serverului Remaining: 8:22
ADMIN `FynaL*3xTasY`: ban BuTuC permanently
becali dropped
becali has left the game
Time Remaining: 8:17
BuTuC connected
* Privileges set
* Privileges set
Alexandra : :O
BuTuC is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
Time Remaining: 8:11
BuTuC has left the game
McLaren (RADIO): Go go go!
ford killed `FynaL*3xTasY` with deagle
mary killed McLaren with sg550
Time Remaining: 8:09
mary killed Alexandra with sg550
Time Remaining: 8:07
001 killed ford with m4a1
Vizitati forumul serverului killed DRACUL with sg550
Time Remaining: 8:04
I Am^[Legend]^ killed |nikotyn| with ak47
001 killed I Am^[Legend]^ with m4a1
ADMIN `FynaL*3xTasY`: ban
Cereri de admin/slot pe forumul serverului `FynaL*3xTasY`: ban
ford killed |nikotyn| with awp
*** DRACUL killed 001 with a headshot from ak47 ***
mary killed ford with sg550
`FynaL*3xTasY` killed DRACUL with grenade
I Am^[Legend]^ killed mary with awp
`FynaL*3xTasY` killed I Am^[Legend]^ with m4a1
*** `FynaL*3xTasY` killed Alexandra with a headshot from m4a1 ***
McLaren killed `FynaL*3xTasY` with ak47
Cereri de admin/slot pe forumul serverului Remaining: 7:38
Time Remaining: 7:29
Time Left: 7:09
McLaren (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*DEAD*`FynaL*3xTasY` : nu stiu
*DEAD* I Am^[Legend]^ : /resetscore
*DEAD*mary : ce drac esti tu ma?
huk.Distractie-Maxima.Ro [STEAM+NOSTEAM]
*DEAD*Alexandra : de ce va banatzi ?
*** CiCi_BaLeRiNa_3CiCiTa killed McLaren with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*DEAD* DRACUL : /resetscore
*DEAD*`FynaL*3xTasY` : sa invete sa vb
Time Remaining: 6:22
Cereri de admin/slot pe forumul serverului*** mary killed McLaren with a headshot from sg550 ***
ford killed |nikotyn| with ak47
001 killed Alexandra with m4a1
*DEAD*`FynaL*3xTasY` : ][_ [[]] ][_ CE ][-][ E A ][))
001 killed DRACUL with m4a1
*** mary killed ford with a headshot from sg550 ***
Time Remaining: 6:14
*DEAD*McLaren : mda
McLaren (RADIO): Go go go!
CiCi_BaLeRiNa_3CiCiTa : da ce a zis mane k nu eram atent
Time Remaining: 5:41
*DEAD*McLaren : mary mai sti si altcv in afara de turn
I Am^[Legend]^ killed `FynaL*3xTasY` with awp
*DEAD*McLaren : ?
Cereri de admin/slot pe forumul serverului Left: 5:22
*DEAD*ford : timeleft
*DEAD*McLaren : nikotyn
*DEAD*McLaren : ?
I Am^[Legend]^ killed 001 with awp
ADMIN |nikotyn|: vote map(s)
|nikotyn| voted for opti